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In one of the all-time most brilliant maneuvers of political jiu-jitsu, border state governors have leveraged the waves of illegals coming across their borders and turned it around by busing them to blue states that just don’t get it.

While some governors seem to embrace the lunacy of allowing 1.7 million illegals across the border last year, not every governor appears to smoke the same weed as Gov. Gavin Newsom of California. Even more illegal migrants expected in 2022, record 2.1 million | Washington Examiner. While Newsom may have euphoric hallucinations of cementing Democrat control of California into the next millennium (actually, you don’t have to be high to believe it) other border governors fear he might be right.

Tijuana River Bed

Photo by bbcworldservice

In addition to the political ramifications, the social services aspect of having to feed, house and process an estimated average of almost 6000 new arrivals every day in 2022 (Ibid) is daunting. Thousands of undocumented immigrants have come to this country expecting the American taxpayer to fix their problems. Yes, many of these folks have worked hard all their lives and want to succeed, but most of them are at the bottom of the economic ladder. These economic refugees will consume more tax dollars than they will produce at least in the immediate future.

It is easy to virtue signal your compassion when you live in Massachusetts far from the border. When reality hit the posh New England summer resort town of Martha’s Vineyard, however, compassion lasted 44 hours. Migrants' 44-hour visit leaves indelible mark on Martha's Vineyard - CNN

Aaaah, the good life! (Martha’s Vineyard/Cape Cod)

Photo by mamahoohooba

When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent a busload of 50 Venezuelans up north, it apparently overwhelmed the community. At the end of the tourist season, empty vacation mansions notwithstanding, apparently this tidal wave of 50 Venezuelans had “no room at the inn.” Martha's Vineyard Elites Deport Illegal Immigrants After 24 Hours (

Wealthy Martha’s Vineyard can’t handle 50 Venezuelans and declared it a “humanitarian crisis” (Ibid). At the same time McAllen, Texas, the poorest metro area in the nation, McAllen, Texas - Wikipedia has to deal with as many as 7000 illegal border crossers every day. 'It will be a nightmare': Texas city braces for flood of border crossers when Covid rule ends in May (

Vice President/Border Czar Kamala Harris, who has traveled to the Mexican border on only one occasion since taking office, declared on September 11th, “The border is secure . . .” A few days later Abbot sent a couple of bus loads of illegal immigrants outside her Washington, D.C. residence to remind her she needs to do a little more work in that regard.

While the Left has criticized Ducey, Abbot and DeSantis for busing illegals to sanctuary cities and in some cases even accusing them of “human trafficking,” the Left has amnesia when it comes to President Biden’s midnight flights to red states which started this whole confrontation. Biden is hiding illegal immigration with secret flights (

Faced with an insurgence of illegals crossing the border near Yuma late last year, Ducey asked President Biden, “Mr. President do something—do anything.” Arizona’s Ducey calls on Biden to act after migrants rush border: ‘Mr. President, do something – do anything’ | Fox News

Six months after that statement the Border Patrol took in another 160,000 illegal border crossers at the Yuma sector. After calling former President Donald Trump’s call for a wall “racist” and “xenophobic” with the election nearing and Arizona’s Sen. Mark Kelly feeling the heat, Biden has called for completion of the wall just south of Yuma. Biden admin quietly approves construction of U.S.-Mexico border wall near Yuma, Arizona | Fox News Apparently, only Republicans can be racist and xenophobic when advocating for a border wall.

While Democrats may want to try and make the overturning of Roe v. Wade and abortion on demand their battle cry in this election cycle, inaction on the border is the biggest issue in Arizona. Want proof? Just watch the latest Katie Hobbs commercial as she stands near the border with a stern look on her face in-between two county sheriffs.

Democrat gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs stands between

Santa Cruz County Sheriff David Hathaway (L) and Pima County Sheriff Chris Nanos (R)

Picture taken from campaign commercial

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs has never been a border hawk . . . until now. In an Arizona Republic interview last May she commented, “It’s ridiculous that we are talking about this as a core issue in the governor’s race.” Arizona Democrat candidates for governor share border policy proposals (

I guess a lot has changed since last May. Political expediency may end up completing “The Wall” and the busing of illegal migrants may finally get the attention of the Biden administration. Let’s see what happens after the mid-terms.

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