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Usually on the wrong side of any issue, the Arizona Republic’s EJ Montini did not disappoint in his opinion piece of October 19th entitled Humpty Ducey has a great fall ... from his border container wall. Gov. Doug Ducey has a great fall from his border container wall (

Arizona’s oh so reliable Court Jester of the Left, scolded Gov. Doug Ducey for spending $13 million of taxpayer’s money to locate shipping containers along Arizona’s porous border south of Yuma. Apparently “border hawk” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas . . . you know, the one that claimed we have “operational control of the border” just last April, Alejandro Mayorkas, DHS chief, insists Mexican border is secure - Washington Times, the one whom the Arizona Republic’s Democrat-leaning columnist Elvia Diaz thought it might be time to show the door. Maybe Alejandro Mayorkas is not the best Homeland Security secretary ( that guy . . . committed to building a border wall in the Yuma area last July.

US Department of Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas

Photo by World Travel and Tourism Council

What could have possibly changed in three months’ time? Hmmmmm? Maybe it was some US Senate race in November. The earliest polling between Sen. Mark Kelly and Republican candidate Blake Masters showed Kelly with an eight-point lead last August. Polling ending October 16th showed Kelly with a Real Clear Politics average of only 2.5 percentage points which lies within the margin of error. RealClearPolitics - Election 2022 - Arizona Senate - Masters vs. Kelly. Clearly, immigration is a top issue and Kelly knows it. He also knows the Biden administration has simply poured gasoline on this dumpster fire. Perhaps as many as five million illegal immigrants have entered the country since his election. FAIR Analysis: 4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Have Crossed our Borders Since President Biden Took Office (

Your basic dumpster fire

Photo by Chicago Man

So, after Kelly probably begged and begged, the Biden administration, the same administration that defunded Trump’s wall, promised to build a wall last July. Well, pardon Ducey for being skeptical. The governor must think this promise will eventually evaporate in the hot Arizona sun sometime after the election, so he decided to do something about it. A wall made of shipping containers will not totally solve the problem and frankly, neither will a wall made of steel set in concrete. Illegal immigration is a multi-faceted problem, but a wall of any kind can only help in reducing unauthorized border crossings.

Photo by Gage Skidmore

Amazingly enough, Montini bought the argument the feds put forth, scolding Ducey for trespassing on federal land in building his unauthorized wall. Where is the federal outrage about the trespassing of illegal immigrants from over 100 countries across our southern border? Migrants From 106 Countries Crossed Southern Border In Del Rio Sector in 2021 | The Daily Wire We could be waiting until hell freezes over for the Biden administration to actually build a wall and I think Montini knows it! Nobody can be that gullible . . . not even Montini.

Clearly, the Biden administration’s promise to build a wall gives Kelly cover in a close senate race . . . nothing more. Once Kelly is elected, they hope, voters will forget and the Biden administration can move on to the next self-inflicted crisis.

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